Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We have a very fiesty girl growing in my tummy

I had my 20 week ultra sound on Monday afternoon, and we found out that we are having a girl!  She definately made the ultra sound tech work to get the "money shot", but we finally got it. She was such a wiggler. She didn't stop moving for the entire 30 minute ultra sound. As soon as the u/s tech would try to get a shot of her heart or kidneys, she would twist and turn. That was probably the best part of the 30 minutes, just seeing her move all over the place. R and I were both surprised that she isn't a he, but we are so excited. I have to say, knowing that we will have a little girl makes it so much more real. I find myself getting teary eyed when I hear father daughter or mother daughter stories, because I can start to imagine R and I raising a little girl.

The first question I get from people when I tell them that we found out we are having a girl is, do you have a name picked out?  And the answer is, no, not even close. We thought it was a boy until yesterday and we didn't even have boy names narrowed down. We haven't talked really seriously about names yet. For me, I think this was partly because I was afraid to think too far into the future. I just wanted to take one day at a time, which meant not committing to a name or buying baby items. It is really starting to sink in and starting to feel like we will really be holding a baby in 5 months. I think we better start getting serious about baby names. We both think that we will have a few names in mind but we will wait until we see our baby to know for sure what her name should be. I am really into name meanings too. The meaning of a name is just as important to me as how it sounds. We have a long road trip coming up, so I am planning to bring the baby name book and start digging in to baby girl names.


  1. so exciting! i also think picking out a name is a huge responsibility....we are nowhere near deciding on names either!

  2. YAY! Congratulations! I'm 21 wks with a little girl. It's wonderful to say "she" instead of "it" or "the baby." Names are hard, but my hubby and I *optimistically* picked out 4 names (2 girl and 2 boy) when we were first married and so sure that we'd pop out babies like skittles. Ha! So we knew what we were naming her from the first second... now just hoping to be able to use all 4 of the names. ;) **BTW, I'm a stranger. Just blog surfing to avoid housework. Hope you don't mind.**

  3. I'm excited that you are having a girl! They are super sweet! (Of course, so are boys!) :)

    I can relate to how you have been handling things one day at a time. Hopefully things will really start to feel real for you now as you prepare for your daughter. Good luck with names!
