I really didn't think I would be writing these words, but I am pregnant. I tested first on Friday, and yes, I did wake up at 4:00 am. It was negative. I always feel like such a fool when I take a HPT and it is negative. I knew it could still be too early to get a BFP, but most likely I wasn't pregnant. I waited two days and tested again on Sunday (12DPO). I used 2 tests, one e.quate brand and one FRER. There was a faint + on the e.quate and an even fainter 2nd line on the FRER. I tested again on Monday and the e.quate was lighter and the FRER was darker, kinda weird. So, I called my doctor's office and asked to get an HCG and progesterone level. My HCG on 13DPO was 66 and my progesterone was 28. I was thrilled about my progesterone level! I have had my progesterone checked 4 times in the past year (twice while pregnant) and I have never had a number above 9. Because of this, I have been taking a progesterone supplement after ovulation for the past 4 months. I am taking the high prog. count as a really good sign. My beta level on Wednesday, 15DPO was 150. So, I talked to the nurse after the 2nd beta and she said that everything looks good so I just need to schedule my first ultra sound and doctor appt. I requested that the appointment be schedule at around 6 weeks, because of my history of miscarriages. She said that would be ok and forwarded me to the scheduling desk. The soonest they had availalbe was Feb. 10th, 4 weeks away. I am really disappointed that I can't get in for 4 weeks. It is going to be a LONG month. I thought the 2ww was bad, ha! that was nothing compared to this. They scheduled labs for next week. I don't even know what that entails, since I never made it that far in my previous pregnancies. I will probably ask them again if they can squeeze me in to see the doctor earlier when I am there next week.
I feel so blessed, but also just kind of numb. It definately doesn't feel real. I don't really have any symptoms yet, well besides being a little extra tired. I fell asleep on the couch twice this week.
I am relieved that I don't have to go to my first appointment with the RE next week. While I wanted to get a new perspective, I was not looking forward to going through more testing, which would feel like we were delaying having a baby even more.
These next few weeks are going to be really challenging for me. I just need to take one day at a time and trust God to give me peace. I really do want to appreciate each moment of this pregnancy and not wast time and energy worrying about all that is out of my control.
How wonderful!!!!!!!