It has been waaaaay too long since I have updated. I think about it several times a week, but I just haven't been able to get motivated to write something. I am very happy to report that all is well with me and my little one.
I had my first ultra sound and check-up on Feb. 10th. The baby measured right on track at 8 weeks 2 days and had a strong heartrate of 174. We even saw it's body wiggle a little bit. You could see little arm buds and legs and a big head. It looked like a little gummy bear. My doctor was very excited and went on and on about how wonderful this was. He even wrote "Yay!" on my chart. :-) It was really sweet.
Here is a picture of the printout from my u/s.
It seemed like weeks 7-9 were the hardest in terms of feeling nauseous and tired. I have had a few days in my 10th week where I felt a lot better. But, today, the queasy feeling seems to be back. Even on my most difficult days, it still has been manageable. I know I haven't had it nearly as bad as a lot of pregnant women.
I went back for another doctor visit last Thursday, Feb 24th. I just went for my own peace of mind. My doctor said we could try to use to doppler to listen to the baby's heart, but at 10 weeks 2 days, it is likely that we won't be able to hear it. He said he would do an ultra sound if we couldn't find the HR. But, he was able to find the heartbeat after 15 seconds or so. We lost it once and he found it again. It was very reassuring. So, now we have our next ultra sound at 12 weeks. I'm really excited to see how much the baby will change in four weeks.